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讲座信息——以色列特拉维夫大学David Schmeidler教授
时间:2018-09-17来源: 作者:点击数:

讲座主题:Desirability:uncertainy via state of world, axioms and rationality

主讲人:David Schmeidler 教授

主持人:胡亦琴 教授

时间: 2018年9月21日(周五)10:00-11:30





David Schmeidler教授,著名经济学家、数学家。以色列特拉维夫大学商学院教授。以色列国家科学院(Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities)院士、美国艺术与科学院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)外籍荣誉院士、计量经济学会(Econometric Society)会士、高等经济理论学会(Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory)会士、博弈论学会(Game Theory Society)会士等。并于2014-2016年出任博弈论学会主席。



The subjective probability of a decision maker is a numerical representation of a qualitative probability which is a binary relation on events that satisfies certain axioms. We show that a similar relation between numerical measures and qualitative relations on events exists also in Savage's model. A decision maker in this model is equipped with a unique pair of probability on the state space and cardinal utility on consequences, which represents her preferences on acts. We show that the numerical pair probability-utility is a representation of a family of desirability relations on events that satisfy certain axioms. We first present axioms on a desirability relation defined in the interim stage, that is, after an act has been chosen. These axioms guarantee that the desirability relation is represented by a pair of probability and utility by taking for each event conditional expected utility. We characterize the set of representing pairs by measuring the optimism of probabilities on consequences and the content of utility functions. We next present axioms on the way desirability relations are associated ex ante with various acts. These axioms determine the unique pair of probability and utility in Savage's model.
